Brian Doerksen - The River Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: The River
  • Album: It's Time
  • Artist: Brian Doerksen
  • Released On: 14 Oct 2008
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Brian Doerksen The River

The River Lyrics

To the river I am going
Bringing sins I cannot bear
Come and cleanse me, come forgive me
Lord I need to meet you there

In these waters, healing mercy
Flows with freedom from despair
I am going, to that river
Lord I need to meet you there

Precious Jesus, I am ready
To surrender every care
Take my hand now, lead me closer
Lord I need to meet you there

Come and join us, in the river
Come find life beyond compare
He is calling, He is waiting
Jesus longs to meet you there

The River Video

The River Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

The song "The River" by Brian Doerksen is a poignant and spiritually enriching piece that beckons listeners to a place of cleansing, renewal, and intimate fellowship with God. Through its evocative lyrics, the song metaphorically uses the imagery of a river to represent the transformative power of God's love and grace in the believer's life. This analysis will explore the meaning of the song, break down its lyrics, and connect its themes to relevant Bible verses.

### Opening Verse: Invitation to the River

The song begins with an invitation to the river, symbolizing a call to a place where one can find spiritual cleansing and release from the burdens of sin. This imagery is reminiscent of baptism, which represents dying to one's old self and being reborn in Christ (Romans 6:4). The lyrics express a deep longing to be purified and forgiven, highlighting the human need for God's grace.

### Chorus: A Place of Healing and Mercy

The chorus of "The River" amplifies the message of hope and redemption. It speaks of the river as a sanctuary where healing mercy flows, offering freedom from despair. This concept echoes the promise found in Jeremiah 31:25, "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." The chorus captures the essence of God's restorative power and His willingness to meet us in our places of need.

### Verse Two: Surrender and Intimacy with God

In the second verse, the song shifts towards a posture of surrender, inviting Jesus to take the lead and draw the individual closer. This act of surrender is a key theme in the Christian faith, as believers are called to trust God fully with their lives (Proverbs 3:5-6). The desire for closeness with God reflects the intimate relationship He seeks with each of us, as portrayed in James 4:8, "Come near to God and he will come near to you."

### Bridge: A Universal Call

The bridge extends an inclusive call to all who seek life beyond compare, emphasizing that Jesus is waiting with open arms. This universal invitation aligns with the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and the inclusive nature of God's love (John 3:16). It reassures listeners that no matter their past or present struggles, they can find hope, healing, and a new beginning in Christ.

### Conclusion

"The River" by Brian Doerksen is a deeply moving song that uses the metaphor of a river to convey themes of cleansing, renewal, and divine fellowship. Its lyrics are a beautiful representation of the Christian journey toward spiritual healing and a closer relationship with God. By weaving together biblical references and universal themes of grace and redemption, the song offers a powerful message of hope and invites listeners to experience the transformative love of Jesus.

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